Thursday, October 21, 2010

FootWash Ministries Banquet 2010

We would like to thank you for your prayers.  Please, join us on the evening of Nov. 4th, 2010 at 6:30 pm for our 2nd anniversary banquet.  The event is hosted by Sylacauga First Baptist Church and doors will open at 6pm.  We will serve dinner and singer/song writer Matt Jackson will perform.  Special guest also include Pastor Freddie Edwards, Martin Houston, Pastor Tim Childers, Scott Dawson, and myself.

We will recap a few of the wonderful things God has accomplished through us as a ministry and our purpose and vision for 2011.  Together we can do great things in and for the kingdom of God.  I pray you will join us at this special event.  All ticket sales will go toward feeding 2000 people in need on Thanksgiving Day in our local community.

Serving Christ by Serving You,

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cynical Church

Christ instructed us in Mark 12:31 …‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Our ministry FootWash Ministries is a ministry of helps.  We help churches, ministers, & ministries internationally, nationally, and on a local level in whatever way we can.  In doing so, we seek to follow the example that Christ gave us in John Ch. 13.  It’s amazing how difficult this is.

When you are focused on serving others great difficulties and road blocks begin to arise.  I’m not talking about difficulties such as pride of self, which prevents an individual from serving others by refusing to be the servant, desiring to be at the top of the heap.  It excites me to say that in the past year we have been able to serve in many different capacities.  Sometimes I’m personally called to be the headline speaker at an event and at other times we, the ministry, are called for organizational support.  The point of our ministry is that we are just as content being center stage as we are being the oil in the machine that just helps things run smoothly and efficiently.  We are focused on the advancement of the kingdom of God and not on self.

This attitude meets a very cynical world.  More so, it meets a very cynical church.  It’s amazing how people become totally lost when you ask them, “How can I serve you?”  Our ministry provides thousands of FREE high resolution photographs and is currently building a bank of quality video loops.  We make these available FREE from our website.  We’ve created the SalvationApp for iPhone and iTouch users which is also FREE.  Our decision book, “Ok, I Believe What Next?” is available for FREE download from our website.  We are working feverishly to create a new website that will offer High Resolution video sermon starters for FREE.  Our goal in all of this is to save churches and ministries finances, so that they may place more funding into evangelism.

Cynicism has so grossly infected the church community that people refuse to believe it.  They want to know, what is the catch?  Why would you do this?   To just offer a helping hand is resisted because people are lost in themselves.  They either refuse help because of pride or they are so distrustful they won’t work with you.

Here’s a Model conversation:  I love the question.
Pastor: “What’s in it for you?” 
My reply: “Nothing.” 
Pastor:  “Nothing, well how do you support your ministry?”
Me: “Nothing, but if you would like to help us we would love for you to consider putting us in your missions budget to assist us in developing more FREE resources.” 
Pastor: “Ahhhh…”

Now in the flesh when I hear that “Ahhhh…” from the pastor I want to say, “Ok, you caught me we are trying to get rich by giving away FREE resources.”….lol Naturally, I don’t say this.   My genuine reply is, “We have supporters who believe in our ministry and assist us regularly on an individual basis.  Our desire is that as we grow more churches will see the value of our contributions and come along beside us in our efforts.  Through their support we will be able to produce new and greater resources which will assist others in their ministry efforts and allow them to use more of their funding in the mission field.”

As a person with a servant’s heart, I find opportunities regularly to serve others.  In the cynicism that exists in this day, people simply do not know how to deal with genuine kindness.  They immediately assume you have an alternative agenda.  We must realize love works both ways.  It is ok to be served and it is ok to be loved.  If we were honest with ourselves, we would see that we have elevated service to the place of the Master only.  What I mean by this is to say, we are willing to work for someone else but when it means opening our hearts and receiving, this is considered impractical.  This says, “I am worthy to serve you because I am the most capable or have the most, you cannot serve me because you have nothing I want or need.”  Ouch!

This is the greatest reason; I have found people who refuse to be served. This is why we have so many who are islands unto themselves in ministry.  There is no give and take.  Often in ministry it’s only the service from the “Master to the servant” where as the master is viewed as servant but in reality is still playing the part of master.  This says, “ I don’t need you but you need me so I will play the part and help you.” 

Our lives should be built around relationships.  Relationships are built upon love and admiration.  In this comes a willingness to serve and be served and an attitude of equality.  This was Christ example in John 13.  We are to serve one another, but as equals.  We cannot place ourselves above others and only accept their love in time of need because we view them as beneath us.  Truthfully, it is when we earnestly set others above ourselves that we begin to fulfill Christ illustration, seeing their value above our own.

How can I serve you today?

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Glass House Mentality

Christ instructed us that we should let our “yes be yes and our no be no” in Mathew 5:37. Living a life of complete transparency is dangerous. Most only want the truth that taste good therefore most refuse to speak openly & honestly for fear of reprisal. If we truly saw each other as blood kin, we could speak the truth openly without fear of losing a brother or sister. With real love there is no wound that separates!

Living in a glass house is a costly endeavor.  People, say they want transparency yet refuse to be transparent themselves.  Most, when faced with the transparency found in honesty and truth become offended, then seek to destroy those who are transparent.  Many have the hurt, “I’m gonna get you and everyone who likes you attitude.”

Churches have split, relationships are lost, some leave and move to a new Church, people change jobs, move to new cities all because of refusals to either tell the truth or listen to truth.  Oscar Wilde once said, “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”  Wow, what a world we are living in.  A world of political correctness at any cost, most people have become so fragile that to stand in the boldness of truth would surely destroy their entire lives.

I frequently speak to Pastors who are struggling with hurt feelings, distrust, or second guessing in their Church.  Most of this could be done away with, if real conversations could take place. It seems on the Church level, no longer can we have perfectly frank and passionate debate or discussion on any matter.  People have become so tender hearted that they can’t deal with the truth and take personal offense.  The truth is, if we love one another as we should there is no grievance or offense that can separate us.  We may become angry, we may become mad, but at least we can be honest about it.  When the fear of reprisal is removed honesty comes much easier.

Christ was preaching and teaching and was approached and told that his mother and brothers wanted to speak with him.  His reply was,

Mathew 12:48 But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”

One would think that if Mother is outside and wants to see you, that you would take a break and see what she needed.  Rather, the implication here is that Jesus was less concerned with offending Mary his mother, over the needs of those of whom he was bonded with in the spirit who obeyed the will of His Father.

Today we are bonded in a greater brother and sisterhood.  As Christians we are bonded in the spiritual family and body of Christ.  As per Christ example, the bond we have spiritually should be stronger than the bond we have with our earthly brothers and sisters.  This being said, I should be more likely and willing to sever my relationship with my earthly family than my spiritual family.  I have a younger brother and we can can yell, scream, get mad, call each other names, and in the past even physically fought, but there is nothing that can separate us.  This should be even more evident with a spiritual brother.  There can be no offense that should separate us.

As spiritual brothers and sisters, we should be able to lock ourselves into a room yell, scream, whatever it takes to get our emotions emptied out onto the table, with complete amnesty.  There is nothing that can separate us if we are operating in the spirit of Christ.  Granted, if we are operating in the Holy Spirit there won’t be much yelling and screaming, but the point is that even when the flesh comes out we realize that the bonds cannot be broken.

It is ok, to deal with anger, hurt, and disagreements.  As long as there is the appearance of peace without honesty we are living in an illusion. Real unity comes when we deal in truth & honest disagreement, yet still worship together.  We can have unity in the presence of disagreement as long as we know where each other stands.

Some say that I personally expect too much.  I’m not a person that hides my feelings well and have the tendency to be overly blunt speaking my mind.  It’s never my intention to be hurtful just honest, in the hopes that someone will hear and be lifted up.  What’s more, I really appreciate the same in return.  I would rather someone confront me with complete honesty, than to hold onto something and carry it around for months before talking it out.  Time is short; we must focus on the gospel. We don’t have time for pettiness. 

Philippians 4: 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are  noble, whatever things are just,  whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and  the God of peace will be with you.

I pray this devotion has blessed you today and given some insight.

Serving Christ by Serving You,

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Plowing Fields

Luke 9:62 “But Jesus said to them, “no one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

There is so much wisdom in this verse.  After being approached and followed by a group of self proclaimed followers Christ began to point out the difficulties and sacrifices they must make.   We see this illustrated in the actual physical sense to these men and the very real issues that they must be willing to face.

In the spiritual sense, we face the same issues today.  What a potent verse Luke 9:62 becomes, when we look at the full ramifications.  “Having put his hand to the plow…” implies both actual labor and commitment.  The great flaw in doing so is in looking back.  Anyone who has ever plowed a field knows that the only way to create a straight furrow is by looking forward to your destination.

I remember as a young child watching my grandfather plow his fields with a mule, fondly named Dooly, and a spade plow.  It was a real site to see.  Man and animal working together breaking the ground and creating furrows to catch and funnel rainwater.  It is important that the furrows all run accordingly so as to make the most use of the land and allow the crops to grow best.  I remember he had funny looking blinders that mounted over the mules eyes with the harness.  I once asked him what they were for and he told it was so that the mule couldn’t look back.  It was in this way that my grandfather could best keep Dooly headed in the right direction.  Because Dooly now only had partial use of his sight it only took a gentle nudge on the reins from my grandfather to keep him in line.  If not, for the blinders, Dooly would have shifted his head and been distracted by all that was going on behind him and in doing so would have pulled the plow off line into the direction he was looking.

Christ desire is that we are able to plow straight furrows.  We cannot look to the future, our goal, or the finish line when we are perpetually second guessing everything, wishing things to be different, or holding onto past grievances.  Christ perspective on this was that if we were going to commit ourselves looking back then we are not fit for the kingdom of God.  Wow, what strong words.  How hurtful this must have been to those following Christ that day?  How does it ring to our spiritual ears today? 

Christ has called us to a great and mighty work.  We cannot allow the distractions of the past: sin, past grievances, old arguments, disgruntledness, regrets, indecisions, grudges, temptation, dislikes, and etc.  We must lay these things aside and focus on the prize.  Just like old Dooly, we must be willing wear the spiritual blinders of the word of God and respond to the gentle tugs of the reins by the Master.  If not, rather than a field of straight furrows set ready for a bountiful harvest, we have a jumbled mess that resembles more the forest around it than a well tended garden.

Our value is found only in Christ Jesus and the garden He plows through us. I pray that today, you will set the past in the past and look to the value and the promise of a wonderful future in Him.

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries

Monday, August 23, 2010

Holy Cow!

Many Christian Americans seem to be following the Holy Cow.  Just like the Israelites clamoring for a God they can see, made of something they see as of worth, and allowing them to design their own form of worship.  Many today are kneeling before their own golden calf.  Often, these same individuals have spent their entire lives in church and have sat in congregations before Godly preachers proclaiming the truth, yet these individuals still design their own personal brand of Christianity.

A 2009 survey from The Barna Group (view article)  showed that of 1871 professing Christians surveyed 78% said that God was the all powerful God who ruled the world.  A full 22% viewed God as something different than what mainstream Christians would believe; such as we are all God’s ourselves, or perhaps that God refers to man reaching his highest potential.

Regarding Satan, 4 out of 10 surveyed said that Satan was not an actual being but a fictional symbol of evil. That’s 40%!  Additionally, another 20% said that they agreed somewhat with this point of view.  The remaining portion survey disagreed that Satan was fictional with 9% saying they were unsure.  With this math, only 30% of the Christians surveyed actually believed in the fallen angel Satan.

A major point in Christian teaching is that Christ went to the cross for our sins having a perfect and sinless life.  Yet, tens of millions of “Christians” do not accept this teaching.  In fact, this survey showed that fully 22% strongly agreed that Christ was not without sin with an additional 17% who said they somewhat agreed with this statement.

The survey article list many more alarming statistics.  I would say that most who have taken the time to read this blog or who will listen to the podcast, probably already know or have heard similar statistics, and at the very least do not find the statistics surprising.  My question is why don’t we?  We talk about reaching a lost and dying world yet that same world sits in the midst of our congregation’s week end and week out portraying themselves as believers/Christians.  These beliefs go to the very core of having a real personal relationship with Christ and in having a true grasp on the basic fundamentals of our faith.

Granted, many people hold on to or create their own golden calf in the image of Christ because of their desire for personal justification.   That’s the justification of self by self and not of Jesus Christ.  Many in the body of Christ refuse to accept reality because to do otherwise would mean they would be forced to face their own sin.  This example is easily found when the view of Christ sinlessness is brought into the picture.  As a “Christian”, how easy would it be to justify my own sin if I show or portray Christ as a sinner, or if I remove the fear of hell, or its existence? 

So what is the culprit: lack of sound indoctrination, rebellion, lack of accountability, or faulty teaching?  It’s the opinion of this writer that it is all of the above.  Here are 4 quick Examples:
1) Many churches welcome new people into the family of Christ yet never take the time to sit them down and teach the fundamentals of our faith, assuming they will catch it along the way.  The result is a total lack of real discipleship.

2) Many welcome individuals into the membership of our congregations without so much as a question as to their core beliefs, life condition, or membership intent. 

3) Many welcome a simple transfer of a letter without contacting the individual’s previous pastor to review their reasons of transfer.  It may be a sin issue and as the individual was confronted they decided to leave.  Then they simply move to the next church who welcomes them in to the membership of the church without reservation. No accountability!

4) When you combine these individuals who never grasp the core values of Christianity with the great need for workers in our churches these views pass along from one individual to the next like a virus.

When we take the lack of real spiritual accountability that is taking place in the body of Christ today and put it together with the faulty teaching that is happening in our schools, and the alternative spiritual views the world presents then, it is no wonder such a large percentage of Church goers have a flawed view of their own spiritual condition.   We’ve allowed a freedom of choice to creep into the sanctity of our faith.  We know that there are doctrines of which Christ set forth in scripture, which are not open to debate in principle or reality.  We must begin to refocus and bring our congregations back to the realities and facts of our faith and re-insuring that our teachers persistently hold them up as absolute truths. 

You may feel that you are doing a good job and the fact is you may be.  That doesn’t change the fact that these statistics still hold true in some part to your congregation and certainly to our society as a whole.  We must create a sense of urgency on these matters and remind ourselves of Christ words.

Matthew 7:21-23 21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'

This is our plight!  Why does so much of our church body appear to be doing all the right things yet fail on the fundamentals?  They do not know the Lord.  To move forward with a right perspective, we must persistently teach the fundamentals of our faith, test the spirits of others to see where they stand, and look at the fruit being produced.  I pray that this article has refreshed some these issues in your heart and that you have a renewed since of urgency in these matters, in your life, and in the life of your congregation.

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries, inc

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Carnal Piety

Serving Two Masters:

Carnality has long been an issue in our Church body.  The question of where we should draw the lines that separate worldliness from our Godly appearance, has often plagued us and has split churches and even created new denominations.  Women wearing makeup, hair styles, earrings, clothing, and more have often established visual lines of separation of the world  and of our Christly Piety.  For the sake of this article we will not try to set new standards of piety but take a look at today’s infiltration of the carnal world into our Church body and how our tolerance of such has expanded.

By most standards piety would be defined as having personal reverence for God, parents, or those in authority; living in a frame of personal obedience both in public and in private, while not putting on an overtly outward display of those things for the sole purpose of being seen.  Humility is often thought to come with piety.  Today, people look at our lives and evaluate where we stand in Christ according to the fruit that we bare and the Christ like walk they see in us.   Read Matthew 6:1-8 for a good illustration of true piety as instructed by Christ himself.

Why is this article important?  It seems today that the lines between our Christian Piety and the carnal world are being increasingly blurred.  More and more churches must take action among members who blatantly flaunt worldly activity.  Even greater, churches who should take action are choosing to look the other way under the guiles of, “We are not to judge.”  This second attitude leaves a congregation in turmoil, members with justification of their own sin, and open doors to the approval of a sinful nature.

Let’s take a look at this by comparing the types of carnality (love of or resemblance of the flesh & the world) that are infiltrating our midst today through the very fabric of the body of Christ.  Carnality is carnality on any level, but we will place a greater focus on Double Minded Carnality the third type of carnality described here.

The first is Righteous Carnality.  This is when a Church becomes much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old.  This Church body or individual becomes so focused upon what they believe is right and wrong in the world and the lives of individuals that they fail to point the way to Christ.  An example of this would be an individual who spends their time fighting for various “Christian” causes but has most likely never shared the gospel with anyone.  Righteous carnality is much different from piety as it is focused more on the outward appearance than the inward change of man.

The second is Hierarchal Carnality.  This is when the focus of the individual or Church is elevating oneself through and not in Christ.  Advancement of the kingdom is simply a by-product of their actions, though they would not have you believe that.  They use Christ as the mechanism of their self promotion.  This individual does all the right things, says all the right things, seems to be in all the right places, and is very visual in doing so.  This is the carnality that Christ warns us about in Matt. 6: 1-18.  These individuals are seeking more the approval and recognition of man than heavenly reward.  Per Christ instruction those of this nature, receive their reward here on earth and miss out on their heavenly reward.

The third is Double Minded Carnality.  This individual is stuck in two worlds.  They appear to want to follow Christ and His teaching yet perpetually surrender to the world in their lives.  This individual seeks personal justification for sin in their lives relying on God’s “infinite” grace to overcome all.  While it is true that God’s grace (Christ Sacrifice) was sufficient for all sin, it is also evident that if an individual has accepted Christ as Lord, their tendency should be to edify Him by living a life He has instructed us to live.  We are called to strive to perfection in Jesus; His grace is our protection when we fall short.  The dividing factor of grace is when we define grace not simply as unmerited favor but, as the outward reflection of Christ to the world around us.  A good indicator is when our faithfulness to the word, prayer, devotion, and obedience to Christ outweighs and regularly overcomes our temptation of the world.  This is not to say that we never fail or make mistakes but that when we do, we take proper action in true repentance and if possible repairing any damage we may have done.

What does the bible say about Double Minded Carnality?
·         Matt. 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
·         Rev. 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
·         1 Peter 1:13-16 13 Wherefore, having girded up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope with perfect stedfastness in the grace which will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 as children of obedience, not conformed to your former lusts in your ignorance; 15 but as he who has called you is holy, be ye also holy in all your conversation; 16 because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy.”
·         Gal. 5:17,18 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire; 18 but if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under law.”
·         Romans 6:1-14 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?...........”

It is obvious through Biblical teaching that we are to be in the world but separate from it.  We can give numerous Bible quotes to this defense.  Why is it, we appear so much like the world and/or lack the desire to hold one another to a level of spiritual integrity?  I’ve had the opportunity to hear the hearts of pastors all across this nation.  The great sin is that often times we lack the loving desire to hold one another accountable for personal action.  To see evidence of this double minded carnality we need look no further than the social media sites we often use.  Individual postings, comments made, photographs, pages, and groups joined or followed display much of one’s personal awareness in Christ.  Much of what many professing Christians are posting is disturbing.  If you've seen it then you know what I’m talking about.  If not, then count yourself fortunate and should you decide to begin using social media sites consider yourself warned. 

Many refuse to call friends out and use the excuse saying we are not to judge.  Let’s be clear, I do not have to judge what the Bible has already declared to be sin.  Second, understand that judgment is not in the determination of right and wrong but takes place when the penalty for action is determined.  I can say and determine what is right and wrong according to the word, but it is not in my ability to pass judgment or sentencing.  That action is solely reserved for Christ our Lord.   Some may remark, “What about your compassion?”  I would submit that it is less compassionate and less loving to allow someone you care about to continue in their carnal pursuits without addressing it, but simply praying they will change.  We are the agents of change.  We are to encourage growth.  This cannot happen if we cannot offer honest friendship, companionship, and leadership.

Proverbs 27:17 says, Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”  Let us move forward in faith, kindness, and love to lift one another up in prayer and Godliness.  It’s never too late for God to turn things around.  To do this we must allow him to work through us to build one another up.  His desire and call is that we walk upright before Him, relying on His sufficient grace for our salvation and not that we seek to abuse His grace and take salvation for granted.  As according to Ephesians 4:3, may we endeavor to keep unity in the bonds of peace. 

Serving Christ By Serving You,
Bryan Taunton

Monday, July 12, 2010

Blinded By Rainbows

Blinded By Rainbows written by Mick Jagger and released on the album Voodoo Lounge is the 20th studio album by The Rolling Stones, released in July 1994.   In my opinion this song “Blinded By Rainbows” is one of the most profound songs of the 20th century.  I am impressed by the lyrics and impressed that such beautiful words could come from someone who has led the life of Mick Jaggers.  I pray, if not already, that he comes to the understanding of all the words he has written into this song.  He wrote it in response to the conflict that was taking place in Northern Ireland. 

This song symbolizes much of the pain, suffering, death, and destruction that is taking place in the world today that is missed because we are blinded by the rainbows in our life.  The rainbows represent wealth, a good job, our security, lack of personal strife, and the “things” we place so much pride into in today’s society.  The writer even makes note that we not only miss the suffering of this world but ask the question in his opening verse, “Did you ever feel the pain that He felt upon the cross?”  Well, do we?

We’ve become so preoccupied in the precious little things in our own lives, our “Rainbows”, that we’ve forgotten everything that truly matters.  Whatever it takes as long as we look good, smell good, and have good we will do it.  In our misplaced focus and passions we’ve lost or at best are losing our sight of the cross and the redemption that took place on it.  Oh, we see it, but we see it through tainted lenses.

James Ch.4:17 & Ch. 5:1-11 ESV

4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

5:1 “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten.Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not resist you.”

Here, James warns us of misplaced focus and the passions of self indulgence.  He is warning us of our earthly rainbows and how in our self indulgence we persecute, condemn, and even murder the righteous, who does not resist.  He ends the previous chapter with a tough word instructing us that knowing the truth and not doing it is sinful in itself.  Here James epitomizes the term “Tough Love.”

But alas, he encourages us saying,
“7 Be patient, therefore, brothers,  until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door. 10 As an example of suffering and patience, brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.
12 But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Now, there are several things we could take away from this passage but for the sake of this devotion, let’s focus on being steadfast and on verse 12  that our “yes” be yes and your “no” be no.  We must reach a point at which we are no longer fixated on the glitter and glam.  We can’t be fixated on rainbows if we are to be steadfast in the Lord.  Not only this, but we must be clear in our objectives and unafraid to draw clear lines.  So often today, people assume to say I’m a Christian or I believe is enough.  They feel no need to draw lines of distinction between themselves and the world.  They often become so caught up in the blindness found in their rainbows that they miss clarity, patience, and the righteous sufferings found in Christ. 

Christ return is inevitable!  Are you ready or have you become so blinded by the “Rainbows” in your life that you’ve lost focus on the suffering of this world?  Ask yourself this, are you ready right now to give account for your life to Christ?  Do you hurt when others hurt?  Are you compelled to share the gospel?  I hope so, but if not I pray that you feel compelled to see past your rainbows and begin to focus on the call of Christ in your life.  Lock onto the hope that is found in Jesus Christ and let Him radically change your life.  I promise things will change and your view of this world will never be the same.  He is our guiding light and our salvation, in Him is our righteousness found!

Listen To Song "Blinded By Rainbows"

Serving Christ by Serving You,

Bryan Taunton
Exec. Dir. FootWash Ministries

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Just because someone says and appears to do all the right things, that doesn’t mean they are doing a righteous work.  Christ gave us a very potent scale or measuring stick to determine the reality of what we are looking at.  It also serves as a great indicator in our own personal lives as to how we are performing in our daily walk, service to our Lord, and eternal security.

Mathew 7:15-23

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Christ first gives us a warning that there will be false prophet’s who come to you appearing harmless, but their true intent is to devour and destroy you.  He gives us a great barometer as to how we can determine who is on the level and who is not.  He said, “we shall know them by their fruits.”  The key word here is “fruits.”  According to the Enhanced Strongs Lexicon this translates as:

2590 καρπός [karpos /kar·pos/] Probably from the base of 726;; 66 occurrences; AV translates as “fruit” 66 times. 1 fruit. 1a the fruit of the trees, vines, of the fields. 1b the fruit of one’s loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity. 2 that which originates or comes from something, an effect, result. 2a work, act, deed. 2b advantage, profit, utility. 2c praises, which are presented to God as a thank offering. 2d to gather fruit (i.e. a reaped harvest) into life eternal (as into a granary), is used in fig. discourse of those who by their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life.1

Why is this important?  It is of dire importance that we understand that this is a direct interpretation to reflect offspring.  We know the truth of an individual’s intent when we look at the offspring which comes as a result of a ministry or individual.  Of good preaching, good works, good testimonies, great wonders, etc none are evidence of truthfulness and the intent of one’s heart.  In verses 16 – 19 of this passage Christ provides us with example of this very fact.

He goes on to explain, beginning, in verse 20 how many will stand before him in judgment speaking in their own defense of their lives through their works.  There is one defining factor in all of this passage, “FRUIT.”  We can work and toil in many things and according to Christ, if it does not result in the production of fruit then our lives are doomed.  The fruit that Christ is talking about here is not your spiritual gift or the fruit of the spirit.  The fruit He is pointing to is your spiritual offspring.  This is a scary fact when contemplated.

My question to you today is, are you producing fruit?  Take a moment and reflect upon your life.  Have your works resulted in the production of offspring for the kingdom of God?  Have you ever personally led someone to the knowledge of Christ?  Is the greater purpose in your life to have nice things or promote the gospel?

Be encouraged today, to direct your life in such a way, that you become a fruit bearing tree.

[1]Strong, James: The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible : Showing Every Word of the Text of the Common English Version of the Canonical Books, and Every Occurrence of Each Word in Regular Order. electronic ed. Ontario : Woodside Bible Fellowship., 1996, S. G2590

Serving Christ by Serving You,

Bryan K. Taunton
Exec. Dir. FootWash Ministries

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