Christ instructed us in Mark 12:31 “…‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Our ministry FootWash Ministries is a ministry of helps. We help churches, ministers, & ministries internationally, nationally, and on a local level in whatever way we can. In doing so, we seek to follow the example that Christ gave us in John Ch. 13. It’s amazing how difficult this is.
When you are focused on serving others great difficulties and road blocks begin to arise. I’m not talking about difficulties such as pride of self, which prevents an individual from serving others by refusing to be the servant, desiring to be at the top of the heap. It excites me to say that in the past year we have been able to serve in many different capacities. Sometimes I’m personally called to be the headline speaker at an event and at other times we, the ministry, are called for organizational support. The point of our ministry is that we are just as content being center stage as we are being the oil in the machine that just helps things run smoothly and efficiently. We are focused on the advancement of the kingdom of God and not on self.
This attitude meets a very cynical world. More so, it meets a very cynical church. It’s amazing how people become totally lost when you ask them, “How can I serve you?” Our ministry provides thousands of FREE high resolution photographs and is currently building a bank of quality video loops. We make these available FREE from our website. We’ve created the SalvationApp for iPhone and iTouch users which is also FREE. Our decision book, “Ok, I Believe What Next?” is available for FREE download from our website. We are working feverishly to create a new website that will offer High Resolution video sermon starters for FREE. Our goal in all of this is to save churches and ministries finances, so that they may place more funding into evangelism.
Cynicism has so grossly infected the church community that people refuse to believe it. They want to know, what is the catch? Why would you do this? To just offer a helping hand is resisted because people are lost in themselves. They either refuse help because of pride or they are so distrustful they won’t work with you.
Here’s a Model conversation: I love the question.
Pastor: “What’s in it for you?”
My reply: “Nothing.”
Pastor: “Nothing, well how do you support your ministry?”
Me: “Nothing, but if you would like to help us we would love for you to consider putting us in your missions budget to assist us in developing more FREE resources.”
Pastor: “Ahhhh…”
Now in the flesh when I hear that “Ahhhh…” from the pastor I want to say, “Ok, you caught me we are trying to get rich by giving away FREE resources.”….lol Naturally, I don’t say this. My genuine reply is, “We have supporters who believe in our ministry and assist us regularly on an individual basis. Our desire is that as we grow more churches will see the value of our contributions and come along beside us in our efforts. Through their support we will be able to produce new and greater resources which will assist others in their ministry efforts and allow them to use more of their funding in the mission field.”
As a person with a servant’s heart, I find opportunities regularly to serve others. In the cynicism that exists in this day, people simply do not know how to deal with genuine kindness. They immediately assume you have an alternative agenda. We must realize love works both ways. It is ok to be served and it is ok to be loved. If we were honest with ourselves, we would see that we have elevated service to the place of the Master only. What I mean by this is to say, we are willing to work for someone else but when it means opening our hearts and receiving, this is considered impractical. This says, “I am worthy to serve you because I am the most capable or have the most, you cannot serve me because you have nothing I want or need.” Ouch!
This is the greatest reason; I have found people who refuse to be served. This is why we have so many who are islands unto themselves in ministry. There is no give and take. Often in ministry it’s only the service from the “Master to the servant” where as the master is viewed as servant but in reality is still playing the part of master. This says, “ I don’t need you but you need me so I will play the part and help you.”
Our lives should be built around relationships. Relationships are built upon love and admiration. In this comes a willingness to serve and be served and an attitude of equality. This was Christ example in John 13. We are to serve one another, but as equals. We cannot place ourselves above others and only accept their love in time of need because we view them as beneath us. Truthfully, it is when we earnestly set others above ourselves that we begin to fulfill Christ illustration, seeing their value above our own.
How can I serve you today?
Bryan Taunton
Exec. Director FootWash Ministries