Monday, February 22, 2010

Righteous Carnality

In my last note entitled, “Be My Valentine, signed Jesus” I used Romans 5:8 as a demonstration of the great redemptive love that Jesus has shown us.  Today, I would like to review this same passage in comparison to how we, “The Church”, appear to the world today.


Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.   

What an awesome demonstration of love.  Yet, I am afraid that in many ways the Church today has lost this perfect picture.  Over the years the Church, which defines how Christianity is perceived by the world, has become known more for what it stands against rather than what it stands for.  To that end let me say this, The Church or ministry that defines itself by what it stands against rather than by what it stands for is plagued with carnality.”  What does this mean?  Simply put, when one focuses on what they stand against they are themselves focused on the wrong things and in fact may find themselves in the same predicament as those they are accusing.  Now this is not defining right or wrong action.  It’s simply making a point.  Without question there are things that we stand against.  I’m simply questioning our methods, misplaced passions, funding, and anxieties.


Now, let’s be honest.  There aren’t many ministries or Churches that are out there promoting themselves by what they stand against.  Then what is my point?  The point is, they are doing it, but they are not doing it intentionally.  Example if you announced in your Church that you were going to have a rally against abortion, or against homosexuality, or against an upcoming gambling bill then you would most likely have many that would show up or want more information.  While on the other hand if you announced that you were going to host a rally for an upcoming evangelistic event or outreach program how would your attendance be and to what level of passion would you see your attendees?


Time and time again, “Christians” are pictured at a ballgame, a rally, a political campaign, or some politically charged event picketing, holding signs, making boisterous accusations, and being overly assertive toward this cause or that cause.  I wonder if those same individuals have ever used as much energy, time, or money to introduce someone to Christ.  Often, and organized campaign for a political cause will reach across many denominational lines and serve as a unifying cause for believers.  Yet, can we rarely come together for a unifying cause simply uplifting the name of Jesus.  In conclusion let me ask you this question, where do you feel this nation would be had we “Christians” taken the billions of dollars we’ve spent fighting this cause or that cause but instead invested in uplifting the name of Jesus.  I don’t have to worry about a young woman getting an abortion if I she knows Christ as Lord.  That’s not to say that she won’t make a mistake and get pregnant but it dramatically reduces the risk, and it will dramatically reduce the risk of abortion being an option for birth control.  After all, being carnal simply means to be focused on the things of the world or the flesh.  Righteous Carnality is when an individual or group is more focused on sin,  causes, or agendas rather than the promotion of the Gospel.  They then make themselves subject to their own speculation because they are equally carnal.  


Here’s the thing.  Christ came and offered us salvation with no guarantees that we would accept His sacrifice.  Yet, He did it anyway.  He loved us enough that it was worth the chance. We would have no guarantees that our showing love, and becoming more passionate about lifting Christ instead of causes would make a huge impact, but isn’t it worth that chance.  Certainly, trying to politically legislate our conservative agenda hasn’t worked.  I submit, we concentrate on creating change by changing individuals with the love of Christ rather than beating them down with our mass cause/agenda.  This is what has made the “Christian” nation known more for what we stand against rather than what we stand for.  I submit to you, we need to be stripped of our carnalities (focusing on the world, it’s fault and wrong doing) and begin focusing on the Cross and the empty tomb and thereby change the world! Christ said, "If I am lifted up, from the earth, will draw all men unto me". John 12:32  We have the most powerful tool to draw people to Christ, the gospel!  Let's strive to put as much time into it as we do our "Causes."


Giving God the Glory,


Bryan Taunton

Executive Dir. FootWash Ministries


  1. Wow, so true so true.... Unfortunate but true. Great word!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Bryan! I've often said that Satan loves to take our focus off of what is important - sharing the love of Christ.
    I will say however. that we cannot stand around and allow ourselves to condone what is happening in the world. Even if we are not to be "of" this world - we are still "in" it, however, way that we have handled some of the "controversial" issues have been less than Christian many times.
    Christians are in a glass house these days. We are constantly being watched by the world to see if we will react or if we will simply respond. Our best defense against the world is prayer. Our best attitude towards the world is love.


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